By purchasing any of our packages, you will become a supporter of the server! Running this server can be hard work, and there are real costs including paying for monthly fees, time commitment, and paying for plugins and updates to the server.

We support wide range of payment methods including ones listed below, you can check for more payment methods.


Thank you for considering purchasing a package to support our server. We appreciate any support you can offer us, as it encourages us to continue doing our best to provide a fun experience! Please only buy a paid package if you can financially afford it. Do not let us become a financial burden for you. Only purchase a package if you wish to support the server and can afford to do so.


  1.  Refunds and chargebacks are not allowed and will result in permanent  ban
  2.  Ranks, keys and addons will last until of the servers lifetime and  server will be running as long as we can afford it, in case of servers  lifetime ending, users will be notified at least 1 month before
  3.  Gazde Network is not affiliated with Mojang AB

Minecraft is © Mojang AB 2009-2020.